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Upcoming in-person CE event, October 18!
Thanks to the generous support of The Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation and Vermont Cooperative for Practice Improvement & Innovation, VTMHCA Is thrilled to present:

Implicit Bias: Everyone has a Story, presented by Quentin Tyler, Ph.D.

Vermont State University (formerly Vermont Technical College) in Randolph, Vermont

Meets OPR's requirement for training on systematic oppression and anti-oppressive practice.

Dr. Quentin Tyler will provide counseling professionals substantive training regarding the issue of implicit bias and how it relates to their areas of practice. Specific areas to be covered include how implicit bias is defined, historical trauma, the manifestation of implicit bias on the micro, mezzo, and macrolevels, intersectionality, the power structures and processes that cultivate a culture of bias, micro-assaults, microaggressions, microinsults, micro-preventions, micro-validations, micro-interventions, strategies for mitigating implicit bias by applying reduction skills to case studies and personal biased experiences, encourage development of an action plan for implementing learning so it's sustainable and transferable to professional counseling, counselor professional identity and practice issues, wellness, and prevention. 

Click this link for more information and to register!

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Vermont Mental Health Counselors Association is the professional association for Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors in Vermont. 


Our purpose is to provide support, advocacy, and education for mental health professionals statewide. We are also committed to community education about issues related to mental health treatment, prevention, and general public awareness of the role of the mental health counselor. VTMHCA has been vital in representing the concerns of our profession to lawmakers, regulators, insurance companies, and government officials through representation on the Act 129 Board and the Council of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Professionals.

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